What to pack for your trip to Vegas?
Travel Tips for Summer 2021!
So, it feels like it’s been approximately one year and three months since we’ve been allowed to do anything fun outside of our individual homes. I couldn’t travel on any form of public transit without a sense of foreboding: especially on the most stress-inducing of all, the airplane. Now that the world is slowly starting to open up again, what do we do??
Sure not THAT much has changed. We get a vaccine, wear a mask, and wash our hands a few more times than we normally would- simple. But, I definitely felt a bit of anxiety creep in when I went to pack for my trip. It’s been so long, what if I forgot something crucial?
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
The best advice I can give on stress-free packing is what has been told to me over and over again- “Make sure you have your ID, your boarding pass, your phone, and your wallet. Everything else you can get when you land.” There is no sense in worrying over all the minutia when ultimately, a trip should be fun!
But, if you could use a quick refresher course on what to pack when you’re flying next, I’ve compiled a list to look through while you double check those bags!

What’s getting packed for a flight to the desert?
For the Flight:
- ID/Passport/Boarding Pass
- Already mentioned this, but for some reason every time I get in the security line there are people who don’t seem prepared. 😂 So please, do everyone a favor and have your important documents ready to go by the time you are at the front of that line. Ya’ll know the drill.
- Headphones
- Absolutely crucial to have a podcast, music, or something to watch on the plane! Making the flight portion go by swiftly is the name of the game. It’ll either make the time in the air more enjoyable OR you will fall asleep and wake up well rested at your destination. ☺️
- Sanitizer/Antibacterial Wipes
- If you are still feeling like being extra cautious or haven’t been able to get a vaccine yet, having hand sanitizer in your bag is a saving grace! I also saw multiple people using antibacterial wipes on their seats, seatbelts, and tray tables on the airplane before sitting down. As a general rule, I think a little extra cleaning in heavily touched surfaces isn’t a bad plan. I know they say they’ve upped the cleaning protocols, but let’s be real we’ve all seen the state of most airplane bathrooms. 😂
- Masks
- Also falls under the “obvious” category. We, as a global community, have been dealing with COVID-19 for over a year now and know that masks are still fully a requirement for air travel. And yet, the amount of times I see flight attendants have to remind, encourage, and threaten passengers to wear their masks for the duration of the flight is absolutely baffling to me. Regardless of your personal feelings on that mandate, it’s the same as a restaurant saying “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.” The service professionals that have to enforce this rule aren’t the ones that made it. They are there to do a job and have even less power to change the rules of the establishment than you do as a customer. So PLEASE, don’t be an asshole to the team who is serving you on board!

Once You Land:
- Desert Weather Appropriate Clothes
- Vegas is notorious for being HOT and DRY. Especially during the summer, prepare for temps to be between 80 and 110 degrees every single day. Which means each time you step outside, you are gonna sweat AND you are gonna get some sun. And speaking of outside time…
- Comfy Walking Shoes
- We did tonssss of walking on this trip- like over 10 miles a day (thank you to my Fitbit for tracking the steps)! I brought along my running sneakers, a pair of Converse, flip flops for the pool, and some cute wedges that I couldn’t stand to leave at home. But, I rarely wore the heels! I threw them in my bag just in case I wanted to look cute for a minute, but primarily wore the sneakers or Converse. The last thing you want is to be restricted on the amount of time you can stay out doing fun things because you didn’t plan to walk (or dance) as much as you are! Painful footwear and super tight/uncomfy outfits should NOT be on your packing list.
- Cute Pool/Resort Wear
- What totes SHOULD be on the list is cute pool and resort outfits that can be worn for multiple activities! When I was packing, I was really focused on the versatility of the pieces when I narrowed down my clothes. Quick translation- I am cheap and didn’t want to pay extra for a checked bag. 😂 You can wear a bikini with a nice coverup throughout your hotel, the pool areas, and many of the outdoor bars. Have one option like that, and at least one cute daytime outfit for walking around. Both should be comfy, but also make you feel your best!
- Wide Brim Hat and Sunglasses
- Not only will you look super cool, but you will be extremely protected from the sun. It is no coincidence that most of my pics from this trip feature this exact combo. 😂
A Few Pro Tips:
- Bag for Carrying Things
- Remember those heels I mentioned? This was the bag they got thrown in! Even if you aren’t as into footwear, having a bag to carry water along is a total godsend. Staying hydrated is the key to me having fun and not being a “Grumpy Gus.” 😂 Especially when you are traveling and running around all day, it is easy to get unintentionally dehydrated! Plus, it is way better to have a bag on hand rather than trying to make your sunscreen, water, sunglasses, makeup, wallet, etc. all fit into a small purse.
- Gatorade/Pedialyte
- Again, the desert is HOT and DRY. Even if you aren’t going outside much, you will be walking a lot between resorts or inside the casinos. This packing tip is especially important if you have a long flight or are planning to drink alcohol on your trip. Trust me when I say you will regret it if you don’t properly hydrate your body and refuel the electrolytes you’re sweating out. You don’t want a dehydration headache with the hot sun glaring down on you at the pool!
- Refillable Water Bottle
- The Gatorade-type sports drinks can stay in the hotel fridge, but the water bottle should go with you everywhere. I typically bring a reusable bottle that can double as a protein shaker. Yes, it has to be empty when you go through airport security, but all the terminals have easy refill stations at the water fountains now! I feel much better knowing I always have water on hand and don’t have to wait for an opportune moment to stop what I’m doing and go find some.
- Sunscreen and After Sun Lotion
- I am pale AF. Literally the first stop after I landed was to pick up some extra powerful sunscreen and lotion for post-showering! My main goal was to not burn AT ALL, which I knew was going to be tough. But, with a little extra effort, I managed to achieve it (much to everyone’s surprise). 😂
- The key is to overapply your sunscreen, wear a higher SPF than you typically need, stay hydrated, cover your face (sunhat and stunnah shades) when possible, and be sure to lotion up at the end of the day when you are out of the sun! This keeps your skin looking good and prevents you from feeling drained or zapped of energy, even when spending a lot of time in the heat.

Andddd boom, you should be all set! Just remember the bare minimum: ID, Boarding Pass, Cell Phone, and Wallet. Everything else is extra. 😉
Stay tuned for more posts from this trip! 😎☀️
All photos courtesy of: Steph Lamar Photography
Share Time:
Have you ever forgotten to pack something crucial? What was it!

Marisa Bertani
Once I forgot my contacts and had to wear my glasses at the beach all week. Never again. Lmao
Devony DiMattia
omg the WORST. I actually lost my contacts Day 2 of Vegas too!! Luckily, I brought three pairs because I anticipated that happening 😅 (PS Also broke my glasses in Death Valley 😬😂)
Deb DiMattia
You know me – I always pack too much. That’s one reason I drive everywhere!
I’ll have to hire you to pack for me for my next ‘plane’ trip!
Devony DiMattia
lol! You know how long it took me to plan for this one, definitely getting better the more I practice though! ☺️