# TheHiatus
Where have I been?
Hello, hello my shining stars! Oh how I’ve missed you and my scheduled weekly time to spout nonsense in your direction. It has been a WILD few months over here ya’ll, causing me to take a brief hiatus. Thank you so much for bearing with me during what has been quite a chaotic time.
Since I brought it up (and it’s wildly annoying when people are vague about drama 😂), let me give you the run down on what exactly has been pulling my attention. I promise this will be a quick one!

What wasn’t working?
The Short Answer:
I wasn’t creating the amount of time or positive mental headspace I needed to effectively juggle my shifting life circumstances.
The Longer Answer:
The last few months have been wonderful in a lot of ways. I’ve traveled a ton. I’ve seen friends and family I hadn’t seen in years (and met some for the first time!). I’ve read new books. I’ve learned more about myself. But it has also been tremendously trying. Not having a set place to live is very cool in theory, and definitely helped me to downsize my “stuff,” but can also be a challenge.
You get to bounce around a lot and do/see things you normally wouldn’t be able to. But at times I was left feeling unmoored, drifting. I was struggling to find my purpose and how to accomplish all the things on my to-do list.
One night, I found myself up until 6am at a friend’s house in PA. I was sitting by myself at his kitchen table, trying to finish editing a screenplay for one of my freelance clients. No problem normally, except I was leaving his place at 8am to drive to Atlanta. A 13 hour drive straight through, by myself.

Okay, just a smidge longer!
I keep finding myself in these kind of predicaments. Wanting desperately to carve out time to write, but being swept up in the moment helping somebody get their work done and then scrambling to get through mine. Or starting to submit for an audition and getting pulled down the Zillow rabbit hole to look for an apartment. After a while, I started to feel like I could get nothing finished- just tread water until I found a place of my own again.
I looked for apartments in LA, Atlanta, upstate New York, and NYC. I saw about 20 in-person, even more if you count FaceTime. Nothing was landing, nothing felt right. I was dealing with complex issues in my personal life at the same time, and working on how to create a safer mental space for myself. I lost three people I love very dearly; my dog of 15 years, my grandfather to Covid-19, and my best friend’s wildly talented and wonderful mother.
Everyone has had a challenging and tumultuous couple of years. It’s something we all have in common. Which is kind of nice to think about in a way- everyone is coming out of this shared trauma as a new version of themselves. Getting the opportunity to fight through the tough stuff and rebuild ourselves into the people we have dreamed of becoming is truly a gift.
What’s the good news?
Now, the good news! Obviously, since I have time to write this: WE GOT AN APARTMENT. We officially moved back to NYC after an almost four month hiatus. 💃 🥳.
All that diligent searching paid off and I could not be happier with the new place (okay, I would love if it had a pool…and a sauna…and a parking spot…but hey, it’s New York 😂). My partner and I are loving the neighborhood and finding new things that spark joy every day.
What comes next?
I am still working on my personal development and soul searching, but I am back in the CITY, back to work, back on track. I am acting, bartending, writing, and educating myself. I plan to keep striving to better my life and finding the coolest things to do along the way. All of which I have been loving sharing with ya’ll. ☺️
Again, thank you for being patient with me as I worked out the personal stuff. I love having an outlet to write and share the fun things, while still being real about what’s happening behind the scenes. I intend to keep you all in the loop with my antics, whatever they may be next. 😉
Are you a fellow bookworm?
Remember to keep checking out my Goodreads profile to stay up to date with what I am reading and visit my Bookshop store to snag any you might be interested in!
Bookshop is an online bookseller that helps to financially support local, independent bookstores.

Love love love this! So happy you’re posting again. Sending you huge hugs!!!!
Devony DiMattia
Thank you for reading!! 😊
Vicky Irizarry
Loved catching up on your ‘antics’ and all that you have been up to over the past few months! You really are a go getter and you inspire with all the right words and more important a Award-winning attitude that leaps out across a page and inspires me to keep it moving forward everyday! Thank you Devony for being your beautiful self! 😍
Devony DiMattia
This is so kind, Vicky! I’m thrilled you’ve been reading and finding some positive takeaways from my words. You are awesome and I appreciate you 🥰
Marisa Bertani
Devony DiMattia
Thanks so much for reading! Your feedback means the world ☺️