The Hustle


Origin Story

daughter hugging her dad, 90s clothes

Finding something as seemingly simple as the title of the blog was a huge step in my case. I had tried for years to choose something that was meaningful, that stuck with me, and continually came back with nothing. But as fate would have it, I stumbled upon the name as soon as I committed to building the site no matter what. I typed my last name out randomly in a text one night and suddenly it hit me, DiMattia Never Quits.

I lost my father suddenly and tragically when I was 15. He had been my coach, my rock. He was my driving force to constantly strive for more and work harder than anyone else would. I was never the most talented or gifted person, but I was the one that refused to give up and settle for less.

He drilled into me from day one that failure was inevitable, but giving up was not an option. When it came to sports, he’d keep me in the gym shooting the exact same shots (or on the field catching the same throws), over and over until I could do them without even thinking. Forcing me to run laps or do extra practice sessions or repeat it all over again ten times in a row if I started to complain or whine.

My father was so many things:

father and daughter wearing matching Giants football sweaters

He was a coach, an athlete, a fighter, a hero. But, I doubt many people know he was an artist. He used to draw my sister and I pictures that we could fill in rather than buy coloring books. And when I was upset about a tough loss in whatever sport, he’d write me letters with little drawings encouraging me to never give up and reminding me how much he loved me.

He had a lot of great quotes, A LOT. Some were hilarious, like the time I was 12 and he tried to subliminally message me into catching a particularly hard throw in softball (ground balls that bounced always caused me to pull away irrationally to protect my face).

We had trained all day and I was still flinching every so often and missing the catch. So that night, he waited ten minutes after bedtime to crack my door open and loudly whisper yell at me, “The ball is your friend, CATCH THE BALL, you and the ball are oneeee.” Which of course had my sister and I in hysterics!

“Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”

Coach Al
Man shooting a basketball, little girl trying to defend the shot
Been learning to play good defense since I was one year old! Love you Coach Al.

But the quote I’d hear the most?

The most quoted, in every kind of scenario, was the mantra, “DIMATTIAS NEVER QUIT.” After his death, the hardest lesson I had to teach myself was how to be my own inspiration, my own drive, my own hero. But without those skills, I would have achieved nothing. The values and drive instilled in me when I was just a goofy little kid are the core of who I am now. I can think of no title more dear to my heart, or more fitting for this blog.

I suppose my overarching theme is one of hope. You are worthy of pursuing your dreams. Surround yourself with good people, but you alone have the power to push yourself to new levels.

Never give up the belief that you are destined for more.

“What is this worth to you?”

Coach Al

Traveling actor, writer, reader, performer, & bartender juggling jobs (and balls) to make it in the big city hustle!