Physical Health,  Relaxin' All Cool

Keto Diary (part 1)

Day 1

Well I am up ten pounds since the last time I stepped on the scale, but that was expected (OR the scale is broken which is the reality I prefer, so let’s go with that)!  The beginning of the day started normally enough; and I was mentally prepared for my keto experiment. I had lots of water, did my little rowing machine cardio, and meditated before gearing up for work.  I was still feeling super vital at this point, and didn’t start to tank until dinner time!  Then…oh Nelly.

day 1 of keto, blonde girl smiling sitting on her bed

Dinner was delicious though, let me just say.  Michael made a spinach salad, parmesan-crusted asparagus, and a bomb cauliflower mac and cheese!  We geared up for a couple games of Settlers of Catan and my brain started to get foggy almost immediately.  I was fine during work, but for whatever reason eating dinner triggered something in my body. It started to acknowledge that it had not been fed any sweet, sweet carbohydrates today and began to rebel against me.

The next few hours were a blur of game play, fogginess, overly emotional reactions, increasing tension, and confusion at the rules (though I have played Catan at least a sixty times by this point of lockdown).  I could feel my hands gripping the chair arms and my chest start to tighten at random.

When I stood up, my arms and legs felt noticeably more weak.  I was prepared for this, so it was less scary and more interesting to observe.  Like my body was literally in a state of shock from being deprived of its precious goldfish, and was straight up panicking.

Thankfully, some broth helped put me at ease and I was able to calm down enough to succumb to exhaustion.  The night concluded with me spontaneously crying and then laughing hysterically at how ridiculous it all was, before promptly passing out. 

I woke up what felt like hours later to Michael watching a video on his phone.  He informed me I had only been out for about four minutes. Woof. 😬

Day 1 Takeaway:

Chillax.  And broth is your friend.


Day 2

INAUGURATION DAY!  I’m currently on the West Coast, so I was up super early to watch at least part of the swearing in.  My stomach was in knots getting out of bed, but my body as a whole felt more intact. 

I did have to pause midday for a nap, but I was not nearly as loopy as last night! Food intake today was a bit more consistent which surely helped: brunch, broth, nap, then dinner. Still felt a bit foggy, but hoping that will resolve itself as I adjust to ketosis.

Day 2 Takeaway:

Listen to your body.  Rest when you need to.  And USA USA USA 🇺🇸

Keto food diary!  Cobb salad and butternut squash soup in nice dishes on a countertop
Keto meals can be insanely delish! Cobb Salad with all kinds of fixins’ and a side of Butternut Squash Soup with goat cheese and bacon!


Day 3

Overslept my alarm and started today with a weigh-in for some reason, as if I would have lost any weight at this point! Of course, the scale still read the same.

keto food diary!  Salmon dinner with Tuscany sauce and a side salad
Dinner! Baked Salmon with a Tuscany sauce over a blend of zucchini noodles & spaghetti squash, with a salad on the side.

I jumped into my rowing and meditation practice, but felt more lethargic throughout. My body is feeling weirdly dehydrated, and I was most tired and bloated right after the workout.  I am actively chugging water and seltzer to no avail.  I read that it’s important to replenish your electrolytes when you are making such a drastic dietary change, so I have also had two cups of broth.   

Mentally, there is much less fogginess today and no nap required! Still awake, alert, and working at 10:30pm which is a good sign, and got through my tasks intact! I made some peppermint tea right before bed and I noticed my arms were feeling extremely tired.

Day 3 Takeaway:

Why are you weighing yourself on the third day?? Bad move, do not do this! 😂

***DISCLAIMER: This is a chronicle of my personal experience intended solely to entertain. This is not medical advice and I am not a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist!

Share Time:

Have you tried Keto before? What was your experience like?

Traveling actor, writer, reader, performer, & bartender juggling jobs (and balls) to make it in the big city hustle!


  • Kate

    So interesting to hear your take on keto! It sounds like you wouldn’t recommend it? The pics look so tasty though!

    • Devony DiMattia

      It wasn’t for me personally, but every body is different! The food was delish and I can certainly see why people choose to stick with it longterm. It really was interesting for me too though in terms of tracking how my body reacted to a completely new regiment.