Physical Health,  Relaxin' All Cool

Experimental Keto

What is keto?

“Keto” is one of those words that evokes a certain feeling in people- be it enthusiasm or straight up fear.  Essentially, a ketogenic diet encourages your body to enter ketosis by consuming foods that are low-carb and high-fat. Some people seem to have major success with this structure of eating; they lose lots of weight and feel extra energetic! Some people report the opposite effect. Like most diet advice on the internet, there are a wide range of people reporting lots of different personal experiences with this method.

I had never tried to do a keto lifestyle before or even cut carbs by a small margin.  In fact, anyone who knows me could tell you that half my typical diet is made up of goldfish crackers and various preparations of potatoes (neither of which, I am sad to report, you are allowed to eat on keto).  So, attempting to dive head first into a carb-free existence had never been at the top of my list.

First level fears!

girl in fitness attire, sitting on her bed, arms over her head, on the first day of her experimental keto diet
Day 1 of Keto! Smiling through the pain of giving up my sweet, sweet carbs.

My biggest hesitance wasn’t the reluctance to give up carbs, but the desire to minimize my meat and dairy intake along the way.  I was vegetarian for a few years (with a vegan day or two per week peppered in), and I still prefer curbing my animal product intake to a minimum.

I’ve read enough books and watched enough documentaries on the topic to want to cut down for purely ethical reasons, but I am also trying to decrease my carbon footprint along the way!  I will likely do another post dedicated to highlighting some of the specific resources that helped me commit to this mindset, and try to explain some collective benefits of veganism and its’ impact on sustainability. 

Plus, my body is just generally happier when I don’t put a ton of meat or cheese into it in excess! (Despite how much my brain thinks it needs buffalo chicken dip every day).

Girl why tho??

The simple answer is- it was on a whim. Like most things I do, I was presented the opportunity to try something new in a supportive environment and just went for it! The initial inspiration for this experiment was my amazing partner and his family, who have had success with keto in the past.

Full disclosure, I have zero idea what I am doing.  I am not trying to lose weight quickly; moreso curious about what will happen if I invoke such a drastic change. I am just going along for the ride, eating what I’m supposed to, working out as usual, and writing down the sensations I experience for all you lovely people!

My Keto Diary part 1 and part 2 will give a more detailed rundown of my first week! But, I will tell you now that this was an experiment I stuck with for only 21 days. It was definitely not a lifestyle change that fit my body, but it was an enjoyable experience overall!

***DISCLAIMER: This is a chronicle of my personal experience intended solely to entertain. This is not medical advice and I am not a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist!

Traveling actor, writer, reader, performer, & bartender juggling jobs (and balls) to make it in the big city hustle!