About Me
Hey all! I’m Devony ☆
I am an NYC-based actor/model, which means I’m also a writer, social media marketer, tech director, promoter, producer, and frequently a bartender to make all the rest happen! I graduated with highest distinction from Penn State University with a B.A. in Integrative Arts (Acting focus) and have been working in the entertainment industry for over ten years.

I am an avid reader, dedicated to personal development in both my mental health and my athletic pursuits. I love basketball, wakeboarding, traveling, and juggling. I love to bake bread and dance aggressively and belt out showtunes (especially when I’m by myself with no witnesses).

I had struggled with the idea to start a blog for years. What did I have to say that was so important? Would anyone care if I did? Am I comfortable enough to share vulnerable pieces of myself and my life with the world?
And these were just the first stage of fears, don’t even get me started on the logistics of building a website and then actually operating a blog! I did manage to find a name that suits me (check out the DiMattia Never Quits origin story!), but it all seemed incredibly tantalizing and I was overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy. Despite those feelings, this crazy year has led me back here. Sitting indoors, in front of my computer, finding the courage to try again.
My driving force has always been helping people. If I have achieved anything in this life, it’s been through the support of my loved ones. So, I can’t think of any better way to pay it forward than by being there for those around me! If I can do that more effectively by sharing my experiences, both the good and the not so good, then that’s what I am going to do.
“We are meant to grow so that we have something to give.”
Tony Robbins
This blog is going to continue to grow and evolve as I do. I will be sharing fun things about my life like travel tips, acting challenges, goofy stories, and book recommendations, as well as diving into some of my personal struggles and helping some of you tackle yours! I hope to gain more insight into myself as well as allow space for more openness, vulnerability, and connection with those around me.
2020 was a crazy year for all of us. Life is too short to not make time for healing, growth, and owning whatever fears have been holding you back. I hope in taking this leap I can inspire someone else to follow their dreams and see themselves not as a victim of their circumstances, but as a fellow survivor who can carve their own path forward.
Lots of love & socially distanced hugs,

Want to collaborate or chat?
Or send a DM! : https://www.instagram.com/devonydimattia/
“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.”
Rocky Balboa